My soul praises my mighty
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USA | Bryan won a recognition
Korean Student Association at University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL

Bryan is responsible for USA as a student assistant

site by Bryan



Photo Exhibition

Bryan Sung Park 

Psalm of Bryan: Confession This contains audio


World Trade Center
September 11, 2001
Pablo Picasso
Versitile painting artiest collections, my favorite too
Another Pictures: universe
My pictures
Paul c'ezanne
I wish I had more pictures


There is one salaried man in Korea. One day a manager in his company was scheduled to move another branch in Europe. At evening, they were having dinner together. He asked to manager, How do you feel, Sir?, he said, I was good to improve my ability in my work place and also it was really great time to learn about another culture, Korea. What was that?, he asked again. The manager smiled and kept going his saying, the way I see it, the major difference Koreans and Americans is Koreans are good at drawing a line point to point. Meanwhile Americans are poor at drawing a line but good at marking points up. I think, the manager said continuously, Koreans are ranking number 1 in doing their jobs for a short time with a marvelous efficiency. But I have not seen many Koreans self-motivated to make a decision to mark points up. When they finished their jobs with tremendous speed, they asked me, What is another thing to do?, just command us.

One day a Presbyterian pastor was preaching in kindergarten school. While the pastor was giving his message he suddenly noted all kindergarten children were lost smile and just followed teachers instructions. He stopped preaching and asked one kid, Sweet heart are you uncomfortable?, then the kid replied to him, Sir I just want to take a rest because I am really tired. The pastor said, You may take a rest after school. But the kid stared him and said, So you want me to register to your church and take a class, ha? I have been registered by three institutions. I do not have time to study in your church. If you want your child to succeed in his or her life, give them a chance to manage their time, Time Management. They will learn which points they should mark up not draw a line. If you love your child, let him or her smile from over burdened extra-activities to satisfy your desires.

I am sure if you knew how much desperately people in Korea want to pass Bar Exam to be a persecutor or lawyer in Korea. No debate those jobs are high prestigious and professional but in terms of Korean Value Bar Exam means totally different. Once a person passed the test, a person could get a permanent position in social, a guaranteed well paid, and something special connection to government. If you were caught by Police Officer for drunken-driving, you must be in serious trouble, however if you had a personal connection with somebody, persecutors or lawyers in Korea, do not worry that so much because just one single calling could get situation soften. Let us think about North America. Compared with Koreas Bar Exam, North American, esp. the U.S. test is not difficult as much as it is in Korea. If anybody wants to be a persecutor or a lawyer, he or she should go to Law School and then pass the exam. In terms of reality they should compete with other lawyers to survive in the world, and we know there are a lot of certified lawyers earning lower average salary. The Cut line to pass the Exam is low but they have got to face tough competition to be famous. If government needs 1,000 lawyers, government normally make 3,000 certified lawyers because the final benefit of the competition lead to customers. What do you say?