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Korean Student Association at University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL

Bryan is responsible for USA as a student assistant

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Bryan Sung Park 

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World Trade Center
September 11, 2001
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Paul c'ezanne
I wish I had more pictures

In this very moment I like to consider the Paradigm. According to Merriam-Webster, the word was derived from Late Latin paradigma, from Greek paradeigma, from paradeiknynai to show side by side, from para-+deiknynai to show and its another meaning is a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated. 

Now, I want you to give attention the word laws. Sometimes it is difficult to be a good citizen to observe law, meanwhile As I mentioned the essay Galaxy, we could be at least called a good follower if ostensibly seeming a chicken to speak his or her own something controversial opinion that is obviously against Social Norm or existing social Paradigm out. 

Then you guys want to ask a question, What is in the word Paradigm for me? What about another example of Paradigm, like Marriage. Strangely we have seen a diversity of the form of marriage, civil-union, polygamy in Molmon sect, etc. I do not want to blame the individual sexual orientation but want urge you to think of Marriage as another example. I am advising you had better find another guy or girl when somebody who got you felt very good impression as opposite sex, esp. he or she is wearing a ring which is one of the common sign to show his or her marital status. People just follow the Marriage Paradigm. Surely there are many who are not willing to follow a norm. Why? I believe because they want to create another Paradigm and in new paradigm old successes can guarantee nothing! Everybody in brand new one should start at Zero-point, Is it wonderful! and possibilities to make another paradigm in our living have been open to all. They, possibilities, will have been open for generations, which must be another example. 

Paradigm has some attributes. It is common. It is useful, sadly some are in Paradigm Paralysis that some people do not want to accept nor understand new Paradigm. Interestingly always new paradigms have been made by outsiders. New Paradigm has not provided by the old paradigm, Ha!! Last attribute is I can choose the new paradigm. 

Question: What one thing that you could change your life would totally change the way you do live, even do business? and your friends~